SMB Users and Groups ==================== Creating a User ---------------- Create a user using the ``create`` method: .. code-block:: python >>> user = system.smb_users.create() Creating a Group ---------------- Create a group using the ``create`` method: .. code-block:: python >>> group = system.smb_groups.create() Adding a User to a Group ------------------------- A user can be added to a group by using the ``update_groups`` method .. code-block:: python >>> new_groups = user.get_groups() + [group] >>> user.update_groups(new_groups) >>> group in user.get_groups() True Removing a User from a Group ------------------------------ A user can be added to a group by using the ``update_groups`` method .. code-block:: python >>> new_groups = [g for g in user.get_groups() if g != group] >>> user.update_groups(new_groups) >>> group in user.get_groups() False Setting a User's Primary Group ------------------------------- A user's primary group can be set using the ``update_primary_group`` method: .. code-block:: python >>> user.update_primary_group(group) >>> user.get_primary_group() == group True