
Below are several common tasks and how to accomplish them using InfiniSDK.


Saving credentials for reuse without login

In some cases it is useful to save the authentication information for later, in order to avoid an unnecessary login event. It can be used, for instance, for scripts that are being constantly rerun at high frequency.

To do that, use API.save_credentials() and API.load_credentials():

>>> import pickle
>>> import tempfile
>>> import os

>>> filename = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'creds')

>>> creds = system.api.save_credentials()
>>> with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
...     pickle.dump(creds, f)
>>> import pickle
>>> with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
...     creds = pickle.load(f)
>>> creds = system.api.load_credentials(creds)


Determining if an object is of a certain type

>>> assert isinstance(pool, system.pools.object_type)
>>> assert not isinstance(pool, system.volumes.object_type)

Error Handling

Adding Retries for Specific Errors

InfiniSDK supports automatic retries on various errors. This can come in handy for scripts performing maintenance operations which might fail API commands intermittently. To add a custom retry, use the add_auto_retry method:

def service_unavailable_predicate(e):
    return isinstance(e, APICommandFailed) and e.status_code == httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

# the following makes InfiniSDK retry automatically on 503 Service Unavailable errors, up to 10
# retries with 30 seconds between attempts
self.system.api.add_auto_retry(service_unavailable_predicate, max_retries=10, sleep_seconds=30)
    ... # <-- operation here