Frequently Asked Questions

My Script is Performing Very Poorly. Why is That?

InfiniSDK automatically caches fields and values for individual objects it retrieves from the system. However, due to technical limitations, this is not done system-wide. This means that while a single object will use the cache when fetching the same field more than once, fetching two fields from two different objects will cause the data to be fetched again.

This means that some scenarios may cause re-fetching the same piece of data over and over again if we are not careful or aware of this behavior. For instance, the following code will be slow, since it forces a field to be fetched on every iteration:

for i in range(10):
    v = system.volumes.get(name='vol1')
    v.get_size() # <-- this always fetches a new value

The reason behind this is that the Pythonic object v is recreated every time behind the scenes, and the cache that was created in the previous loop iteration is thrown away. This code, however, is efficient:

v = system.volumes.get(name='vol1')
for i in range(10):
    v.get_size() # <-- reuses the cache value when possible

Another example is determining which volume is mapped to each host. A naive approach would be:

for v in system.volumes:
    for lu in v.get_logical_units():
        print(v, 'is mapped to', lu.get_host().get_name())

This would work, of course, but will be relatively slow. There are two reasons for this:

  1. get_logical_units() fetches a field that is not cached by default, due to implementation constraints.
  2. get_host().get_name() suffers from the same issue we saw above, fetching the host multiple times.

Here’s a more efficient version of the above code, focusing on fetching each object type as few times as possible:

volumes_by_host = {}
for host in system.hosts:
    for lu in host.get_luns():
        volumes_by_host.setdefault(lu.get_volume().id, []).append(host.get_name())

for volume_id, host_names in volumes_by_host.items():
    for host_name in host_names:
        print(volume_id, 'is mapped to', host_name)